Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Diet

we all recognise McDonald's as a fast food restaurant that provides us with food such as burgers, nuggets and fries that we all would not live without having a nibble at it. but nowadays the quality of food and the elaborate prices that we are made to pay for is not worth anymore. i just ate at the McDonald's in mid valley not long ago and i was sick to my stomach. my friends told me that i was overreacting about the food. the actual truth is that it was indeed horrible

i have my reasons for saying such things. when i first bought the burger it looked like any old ordinary burger. the moment i tasted it the only thing that felt in my mouth was the sauce and salad. no doubt the the taste of the burger was there but the taste of the mayonnaise and the tomato sauce overwhelmed the taste of the burger. i felt like i was going to puke all over the place.

i know that people still love it and yes when you are really hungry it does taste good, for the matter of fact, anything taste good when you are hungry. but the next time you got to any McDonald's to have a meal keep in mind what i had said and really pay attention to the taste that's in your mouth. ask your self is it worth what you have paid. i know some people love the taste of it but just try it once and you will see what i mean. we should really start paying more attention to what we put in our mouth.

this leads me to health issues that are in the raise right now in the today's world. people do not care anymore about maintaining a healthy balanced diet. due to the lifestyles people lead this days, everyone is too busy earning money that their lives revolve around the jobs. they do not realise what damage they are doing to themselves. don't get me wrong, i know that there are people that really do pay attention the their the food but in general most of us don't. most of the illnesses that people face these days is mostly self inflected.

take for an example my uncle. he was a tall big sized man. he was a an ordinary person running an ordinary live. alcohol and smoking was not a part of his live but eventually he ended up with diabetes. being a happy go lucky person he didn't let his illness take control of his live to an extent that he couldn't be bothered about it. he had a craving for sweet food and couldn't help himself. despite going for regular checkups and being advised by the doctors, he couldn't help himself. this continued for around 6-7 years until he passed away 2 years ago. he died of a heart attack due to the toxic fluid from his wound that he got when he met in an accident.

this couldn't be bothered attitude if his cost him his life. he was the cause of his own death. we have to be more alert about this sort of things unless you would want to end up like my uncle. they are many sorts of behaviours that are food related. there is the one that eats to hide his emotions, the one that calculates every single calorie that is being consumed, the one that couldn't be bothered and the one that eats after their children(mostly mothers of young children). i am stressing on the couldn't be bothered one. that's the worst of them all. the shocking truth is that most of us are like this and should make a change to it.

eating right has the potential to increase your life length for up to ten years. make this small change in your life and you will not regret it. eating a balanced diet can really determine your life length.